Compliance Offices
The Cornell Office of Research Integrity and Assurance (ORIA)
Coordinates compliance measures on campus and acts as a resource for the university community's concerns regarding compliance requirements.
WCM Office of Research Integrity
Dedicated to providing exemplary service, oversight, support, and educational training in matters relating to Research Integrity in the conduct of human, animal, and basic scientific research, as partners with the academic and biomedical research community at Weill Cornell Medicine, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences, and its collaborating institutions and organizations.
WCM Privacy Office
Ensures compliance with state and federal privacy standards, such as HIPAA.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Cornell IACUC
The use of vertebrate animals in research, teaching, and testing is subject to Cornell Policy 1.4.
WCM IACUC (intranet only)
The WCM IACUC policies and procedures have been established to protect the welfare of animals as required by federal regulations and laws mandated and enforced by the Animal Welfare Act, USDA - APHIS, OLAW, PHS Policy, AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia, NIH Revitalization Act, and the U.S. Government.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Human Subjects
Coming Soon! New single IRB process for intercampus research